Monday, October 10, 2016

Galatians 3:22-29, Psalm 105:1-6, Luke 11:27-28


Blessed are those who hear the word of God 
And observe it.  Lk 11:28

Galatians 3:22-29, Psalm 105:1-6, Luke 11:27-28

Galatians 3:22-29

My soul's beloved, the Law gave God's people an awareness of sin but it did nothing to free us from it. Being aware of the fact that all have sinned and are the children of Adam  because of the first sin that entered through disobedience we were made aware of our need to make expiation for our sins in order to obtain God's forgiveness, mercy, and pardon. To this end the blood of animals was offered in an endless holocaust of sacrifice of bulls, lambs and doves which had o real power to  set right the grave wrong that  Adam and Eve had done. Before they were banished from the Garden of Eden God revealed that the remedy for sin would come in time. He would choose a woman and she would carry His Seed and bring forth the Perfect Man who would take upon Himself the curse that was ours and becoming a curse Himself would become the willing Victim that would once and for all pay the price for our sins.

Now through faith in You we are justified before God, baptized into Your Body we can now claim the inheritance that God had prepared for us from all eternity and which was lost to us eternally until You entered time and history, clothed in flesh in order to offer Your Body as a sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God. Now, faith makes all believers sisters and brothers equal in our claim to the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven through our faith in You. 

Psalm 105:1-6

My soul's beloved at ever Sacrifice of the Holy Mass and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist God God remembers the Covenant of Love He has made with His children. As we sing songs of praise, offer up our prayers of adoration, worship and thanksgiving,  recalling the wonder of Your love and recalling God's promises at various times in salvation history which were fulfilled perfectly in You our faith, hope, and love are renewed and we are strengthened as we come together as a community of God's people and joint the Angels and Saints in heaven who are feasting at the Banquet of the Lord in heaven.

Thank You my soul's  beloved for all that love has make possible.

Luke 11:27-28

My soul's beloved, the woman in the crowd who shouted aloud while You were speaking, 

“Blessed is the womb that carried you
and the breasts at which you nursed.”

Was so taken up by the beauty and power of Your teaching that the words of praise for the woman who was privileged to give Your birth just burst forth from her lips.

It happens quite often, that we get so carried away with emotion and admiration for a charismatic teacher that we  speak words of extravagant praise. In Your response to the woman You taught her and through her you teach us to whom real praise is due, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” 

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