Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Galatians 1: 13-24, Psalm 139 1-3, 13-15, Luke 10:38-42



Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it. Lk 11:28

Galatians 1: 13-24, Psalm 139 1-3, 13-15, Luke 10:38-42

Galatians 1: 13-24

My soul's beloved, like Paul we all have a before conversion and after conversion story. There is a time in our lives before our personal encounter with You that most of us are not proud of and yet if like St. Paul we are honest we will gratefully acknowledge the work that unmerited grace has warranted on us. Paul persecuted the early Church with a fanaticism that is worthy of all the great enemies of the Church, his hatred for the fledgling Church and its followers was legendary and he did all in his power to destroy it. His name spread terror among the believers and the fear remained even after his encounter with You on the road to Damascus where one of the most famous conversion to You took place. He does not hide what he was in the past because he realizes how great is Your mercy in not condemning him but choosing him to become an apostle to the gentiles.

May we never be so ashamed of our sins no matter how grevious for Your mercy and tender compassion are always greater than the sum total of all our sins no matter how grave. There is a work for each of us to do and may we do it obediently, cheerfully and promptly for each of us is called by You to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. 

The testimony of Paul served as a powerful witness in spreading the faith and our own personal testimonies also have the power to inspire. Let us not be ashamed our our sinful past but glorify God for our own personal encounter with You and the transformation of our own lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 139 1-3, 13-15

My soul's beloved, You know me, Your Spirit knows me, and the Father knows me too more intimately and closely than anyone. There is nothing hidden from You and I glory in Your knowledge of me for I know that Your watchful, loving, and merciful gaze is always upon me. Before a word is formed in my mouth, before a thought has taken hold of my mind, You know it. You know my character, my likes and dislikes, my weaknesses and strengths. You knew me when I was being formed in secret in my mother's womb for I was formed in the mind and heart of God long before my conception. 

I thank You for creating me just as I am. I thank You for the good works that You have planned for me to accomplish during my journey in this life and for the abundance of grace made available to be each day to do them.

Thank You Father, thank You my soul's beloved, thank You sweet, gentle, Holy Spirit of God for creating me and for my final glorious destination with You in eternity.

Luke 10:38-42

My soul's beloved this beautiful incident narrated in the Gospel of Your visit to the home of Martha and Mary touches us all deeply for it is speaks to our own dual nature in our relationship with You. In this story You tell us who read it over 2000 years later, what is truly important, and how we are called to serve You in our daily life. 

Just as You entered the village, You enter our life and we welcome You gladly as did both Martha and her sister Mary. Once You enter we have two choices either to ignore You and get busy with doing things for You or to keep You company for the duration of Your stay. We can choose to sit at Your feet and drink in not only the things You say but also to gaze our fill of Your beautiful countenance and presence or we can get busy and lose the purpose for our busyness which is to serve You with love. In doing so I can get resentful, cranky, irritable and it could lead me to sin. However, if I take the time to listen to You, to be imbued by the grace and life that comes from just being in Your Presence it will help me to serve You with greater joy even if I have to labor alone.

Let me never forget my soul's beloved that choosing You above and before all else is always the better part.

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