Sunday, September 4, 2016

Wisdom 9:13-18, Psalm 89:10, 12-14, 17, Philemon :9-10, 12-17, Luke14:25-33



Let your Face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:135

Wisdom 9:13-18, Psalm 89:10, 12-14, 17 
Philemon : 9-10, 12-17, Luke 14:25-33

Wisdom 9:13-18

My soul's beloved, who can fathom the wisdom of God unless the Holy Spirit were given from above to grant us understanding. How often we have been mistaken when we were sure we were right  because we are unable to see and know as You do. We are weak, frail, sinful and we struggle daily to keep our gaze fixed on You for the clamor of the world is loud, strident, and seeks to keep us from You. We get so caught up in our daily struggles that we often fail to raise our eyes, heart, and minds to the Source of all goodness and life. 

Thank You Father for sending us Jesus, Your Son to redeem us. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that lives in us and directs us to walk in the way of wisdom.

Psalm 89:10, 12-14, 17

My soul's beloved, our Responsorial Psalm this day is,"O Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to the next." How good it is to know that we can run to You and take our refuge in You when the world gets too much for us. Thank You for Your Sacred Heart that is open to all who desire to enter into it and there find their rest. No one knows the length of his days. We do not know when that hour will come when we will pass from this life to the next. We are here one day and gone the next just like the flowers in the field that bloom for a day and are gone. We are like a puff of wind. We forget that life is short because we are so focused on the things of the earth. Help us Lord to understand that we are here only as pilgrims on a journey from this life to the next. 

Philemon :9-10, 12-17

Luke 14:25-33

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