The word of God is living and effective,
able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. Heb 4:12
Ezekiel 35:1-11, Psalm 23:1-6, Matthew 20:1-16
Ezekiel 35:1-11
Psalm 23:1-6
Matthew 20:1-16
The word of God is living and effective,
able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. Heb 4:12
Ezekiel 35:1-11, Psalm 23:1-6, Matthew 20:1-16
Ezekiel 35:1-11
My soul's beloved, today Your remind the Church and all who have been given the mission to guard her children as a shepherd guards her flock, that if they fail to be faithful to their call You will call them to account. However, even if they should fail You will not fail those who belong to You. You will not permit Your own to be lost, destroyed, or hungry. You will claim us and lead us to pasture, You will save us and You Yourself will become our Good Shepherd and care for us.
My soul's beloved, to all who have been called to teach, lead, and guide Your sheep in whatever way their mission requires of them, may they faithfully sow good seed, lead Your sheep to pasture, and keep them safe from wolves especially wolves who are dressed in sheep's clothing. Should they fail we will not be afraid for You Yourself will come to rescue us.
Psalm 23:1-6
My soul's beloved, even in my deepest, darkest nights of my life I will not be afraid for You my Good Shepherd are with me and I shall want for nothing. I shall desire nothing for I have all I need when I have You. I sing with the psalmist, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Having You I have all things. My soul is filled as with a banquet, my mouth shall praise You with joy. Your mercy, goodness, and love follow me all my days and I dwell in Your Sacred Heart which is my refuge. No harm shall come to me. No one shall steal me. No one can approach to take me away from You for You are God and having claimed me for Yourself You will at the end of my days, take me to the place that You have prepared for me from all eternity.
Thank You for leading me each day to the Eucharistic banquet where I can feast on the Bread of Angels and receive every grace and blessing to choose to what is right, true, noble, and good each day. Stay with me Lord for You know how frail I am and how like a foolish sheep. Stay with me Lord.
My soul's beloved, we ought to rejoice that You do not discriminate as the world does and that You are faithful to Your Word. You are just and You are righteous but above all what is most consoling is that You are generous beyond our imagination. We are all called to labor in the vineyard for souls for the harvest is large and the laborers few. To all labor faithfully in the hours or days granted to them in life, all will enter into Your Kingdom and behold the beatific vision. All will behold You Face to Face as You are. We will become like You just as You promised. You will make us co-heirs with You giving us a share of all that is Yours . From the greatest to the least, all who have heard Your Voice and accepted Your invitation to spread the Good News no matter at what stage they may be in their lives - whether in their youth or when they have matured in years, it is all the same to You all will receive all that You have promised - eternal life in perfect union with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your invitation and thank You for Your unfathomable generosity in giving to all just as You have promised.
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