Tuesday, February 9, 2016

1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30, Psalm 84:3-5, 10-11, Mark 7:1-13


1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30, Psalm 84:3-5, 10-11, Mark 7:1-13

1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30

My Lord and My God, Jesus My Savior in the prayer that Solomon makes before the altar he reveals that the Presence of God filled the Temple that he built  for as the dwelling place of God. Although it is true that the heavens cannot contain You and earth is but Your footstool yet You deigned to make Your home in the midst  of mortals. However, God would not dwell in the temple always He would permit the destruction of the temple when the next step in His plan of salvation was fulfilled. It was a great many ears after Solomon, after the advent of may prophets that in the fullness of time God invited a young Virgin to collaborate with Him, to open her womb to  permit His Son to take flesh in her and make His first home there until He was born into the world. Once You my Lord established Your Church on earth, Your Body, then You live there in silence and humility, hidden in the form of Bread. From here You watch over us. You feed us with Yourself, You give us Your Blood to drink and You wash us and cleanse us from sin. We are called by Your Name, Christians, because we are anointed with Your Holy Spirit and through Baptism we are grafted into Your Body and have Your very life flowing in us. Thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers. 

Psalm 84:3-5, 10-11

My Beloved, the Psalmist has said it so well – there is no greater joy than in making our home with You and even greater joy in knowing that You too delight in making Your dwelling place in our hearts. I hunger, thirst and pine for You. I thank You for satisfying me in the Holy Eucharist provide me with the Bread of Angels that guarantees life in abundance. Everyone has a place and room in Your House and those who live in it are so filled with joy they sing Your praises.

Father God, Jesus, the Christ is Your Anointed Son and because we are one with Him we ask that Your loving gaze be constantly upon us. Grant O Lord with the help of Your grace that I may never sin so greatly that I will have to be cast out of Your Presence rather permit me to nestle close to Your heart and remain there always,

Mark 7:1-13

My Beloved, there is a whole world of difference between carrying on Apostolic Tradition and scrupulously following meaningless human tradition as You pointed out to the Pharisees. More often than not we are so uncharitable, so critical and self-righteous and we think we are better than others because  we scrupulously cross our i’s and dot our t’s but ignore what is really relevant and important which is mercy, charity, tenderness, and compassion. We hound and bully those who are weak and we break their spirit instead of encouraging and helping them. This is why You said that those we consider sinners will enter the Kingdom of God before the self-righteous bigot.

Help me my Beloved in this Jubilee Year of Mercy and grace to imitate You. To walk the extra mile, to turn the other cheek, to show mercy and compassion instead of being haughty and proud, Amen.

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