Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ephesians 1:1-10, Psalm 98:1-6, Luke 11:47-54



Ephesians 1:1-10, Psalm 98:1-6, Luke 11:47-54

Ephesians 1:1-10

My  Beloved, I am who I am by the will of the Father.  It is His good pleasure to pour upon me and all who belong to Him an abundance of His grace and peace which flows to us from Your Sacred Heart.  It is the Father's good pleasure to bless all who are united with You, His Son, with every spiritual blessing from heaven.  He holds nothing back but gives lavishly to all who are grafted to Your Body.

How truly blessed I am that God chose me before the foundation of the world was laid to be holy and without sin - what a gift!  The God of love who is Your Father has adopted me as His daughter in love because I am one with You through Baptism.  The Father desires that all praise and glory be given to You.  He delights in our love for You and our acknowledgement of all He has accomplished for us through You.  

Sealed in Your Blood which courses through us You have claimed us for Yourself.  It is the price paid for sins - the only sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to the Father in exchange for the debt we owed and could never repay.

It is Your Most Holy Spirit sent down upon Your Church at Pentecost that continues through the ages to reveal the greatness of our God and His awesome love made visible in You my Lord and Beloved Savior Jesus Christ.

It is in accordance with the will of the Father to unite and reconcile all creation and everything in the heavens above and the earth below in You - so in You, united with You, one with You, we are also one with our Father.

Psalm 98:1-6

My Beloved, the new song that the angels sang at Your birth continues to be sung triumphantly everywhere in recognition of the wonders of God's love and the victory won against sin and death through You.

The wages of sin is death and the justice of God demanded that the consequences had to be borne but since we, His children, could never reverse the awful consequences of our sins and since God loves us despite our disobedience and ingratitude He asked that You my Beloved pay the only acceptable sacrifice that could blot out our iniquity and render us just once more in His sight.

God's love and power has saved us in You my Lord and we shall sing and make melody with all creation until every breath that is granted to us here in this life is at an end and we beging to sing Your praises eternally in heaven when You call us home.

Luke 11:47-54

Verse 49

(The Wisdom of God also said,) “I will send prophets and apostles and this people will kill and persecute some of them.

This verse echoes through the ages my Beloved, Your prophets, apostles and followers continue to be persecuted and murdered all over the world.  All who have been silent while hatred and violence rages against Your people will have to render an account, for they will be held accountable for every drop of innocent blood  spilled because they belonged to You.

My Beloved, all who are called to teach and preach Your Word as parents, teachers, catechists, elders, priests, religious and laity have failed miserably for we have withheld the key that unlocks the Gospel that could save the world.  We have not lived the Good News and we have not shared it with others and so our guilt is twofold.

Have mercy on us Lord and grant us the grace to change our ways rather than to continue putting out the light for ourselves and for everyone else.

The pharisees and elders had a vicious hatred for You because You spoke the truth.  The world continues to hate You to this day because You and Your Church refuse to condone the evils paraded as good.

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