Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Psalm 145:8-14, Luke 4:31-37


1 Corinthians 2:10-16, , Luke 4:31-37

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

God has revealed to us through His Spirit the glory that awaits those who love Him and have been faithful to His Eternal Word.  My Beloved, by virtue of my baptism and confirmation and strengthened and renewed daily with the Eucharist, I know that in me dwells the Spirit of the Triune God and through Him I receive wisdom and understanding.

it is Your Spirit and the Spirit of the Father that enables me to plumb to the extent that is humanly possible and to the ext end that grace grants, the goodness of God's favor and kindness in loving us as He does  

The world does not understand but those whom God has called, understand this language of divine love.  I understand more than those in the flesh ever will because divinity has touched me and dwells in me.  You my Beloved, make this possible for in Your loving kindness I see as You have enabled me to see. 

Psalm 145:8-14

This is my God my Beloved, He is gracious, compassionate, loving and kind.  He knows my weaknesses, He is aware that without His help, I would have long been ground in the dust with no hope of ever rising up.  But God has picked me up as He picks up all His children and lavishes His love on them.  All creation and all creatures have experienced Your gracious kindness and praise You.  Everything that moves and breathes praises You my God and tell of Your mighty deeds and Your tender mercy.

You have conquered from the Cross.  Your death established Your rule from the creation of the world to its passing into eternity.  We can trust in Your Word which upholds us, instructs us and lifts us up.  We hope in Your Word, we have faith in Your Word, we believe in Your Word and we know we do not believe in vain.

Luke 4:31-37

My Beloved, You had a mission and nothing would deter You from fulfilling it.  In three shorts years You had You had to train the Apostles and go to as many places as possible to speak about the Kingdom of God and our responsibility in building it.  You spoke about God with authority because You were God.  You called God Father and the Spirit of God was Your Spirit and the Spirit of the Father.  You knew what You were speaking about when You spoke on Scripture revealing how everything spoken of by the prophets was fulfilled in You and through You.

Those who heard You were amazed and astonished for they did not fully understand but the what the evil spirits knew - You were the Holy One of God, they recognized You and trembled.  You rebuked them and commanded them to be silent because we must come to know this knowledge, this revelation, through our personal experience of You and Your saving work.

My mission is to spreak the Good News wherever I am.  Help me Lord!

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