Monday, August 12, 2013

Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Psalm 147: 12-15, 19-20, Matthew 17:22-27


Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Psalm 147: 12-15, 19-20, Matthew 17:22-27

Deuteronomy 10:12-22

My Beloved, You have called me by my name, You have chosen me,  I who am less than nothing and everyone else who is privileged to be baptized.  What do You ask of me in return my Lord?  That I love You more than life, that I remember that of all the people in all the world You looked at me and desired that I belong to You alone.  You who made the heavens both seen and unseen, the many billions of galaxies that are beyond the most powerful telescopes man can invent to peer into the heavens and all that is on this planet belongs to You.  At Your word all things came to be and are sustained.

You who are almighty and all powerful desire the  love of this poor, puny, sinful creature.  You are a God of love, mercy, compassion and justice, You love the widow, the orphan and the stranger and You desire that I imitate You.  I praise You and love You and I will follow You and serve You and love You all the days of my life.  

Psalm 147: 12-15, 19-20

You my Beloved are the Prince of Peace and this peace You give to all who belong to You.  All those who deny You my Lord will be constantly at war and terror will dog their footsteps and they themselves will spread only fear, terror and death. But to those who have accepted You, You have give the privilege and the right to call Your Father our Father.  You feed us with the heavenly manna that is Your Body and Blood and we receive life.  Thank You for choosing us to know You, love You and serve You and grant that we may live to make You known and loved everywhere.

Matthew 17:22-27

My Beloved, there are many kinds of death.  There is natural death, there is the death of the soul and then there is a death that we receive because we are Your followers.

You showed us the way and You taught that we ought not to be afraid of those who can kill the body but not the soul.  Yes, You were put to death because Your Father willed it so that we may be saved.  You lay down You life and You took it up again in three days.

As long as we live in this world we must obey legitimate authority and the laws of the land yet we must never forget that we are choidren of God and citizens of heaven where You are King and we are co-heirs to the Kingdom.

Thank You for revealing in verse 27 Peter's primacy and his place beside You in the Church. 

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