Saturday, May 18, 2013

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31, Psalm 11:4-5, 7, John 21:20-25

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31, Psalm 11:4-5, 7, John 21:20-25

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31

God can and does use ever circumstance in our lives to bring about a divine purpose.  Most times we are quire unaware of His designs.  We might grumble and often lose heart but in the end we will see how mightily the hand of God was over us and how He used us for His glory.

The life of St. Paul is a marvel and gives every sinner hope.  God can do what He wills with anyone if we will only let Him.

Psalm 11:4-5, 7

My Beloved, Your throne is in heaven but You make Your dwelling place among men.  We are Your temples, You make our body Your sanctuary and our hearts a monstrance when we receive You in Holy Communion.  You make Your dwelling lace in our Churches in our Adoration Chapels  Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity - fully present as God and Man.  We see You here, hidden in the form of Bread and some day we will see You Face to face in heaven.

John 21:20-25

My Beloved, You will not satisfy our curiosity, it is not necessary for us to know anything that does not concern our sanctification in our walk with You.  All that matters is that we obey Your command and follow where You lead.  Everything else pales into insignificance or it should.  Peter was learning all the time and You rapped him on the knuckles until the end and Yet hew as the one on whom Your choice rested to be the Vicar of the Church You founded.

Yes, John was the beloved disciple who was privileged often to lay his head on Your breast with all the confidence of a child.  You loved John very much and yet Peter and not he was appointed as the head of Your body the Church.  Despite all his frailties simply because You would supply all that he needed as he looked to You for guidance, courage and strength. You knew what You could make of Peter because he loved You more than all the others.

My Beloved, how can a finite, transitory world exhaust all that can be said and known of the Eternal Word? It is impossible to speak or record everything that can can be said or is inspired by You.  The world can never contain the Word whose power, wisdom, beauty and grace is inexhaustible.                               

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