Sunday, January 20, 2013

Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10, John 2:1-22


Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10, John 2:1-22

Isaiah 62:1-5

My Beloved, every baptised Catholic must be an authentic follower and disciple Our holiness must shine like the dawn.  There must be an aura glowing from within us that is a witness to the work of salvation You have wrought.  You will give us a new name which will identify us a belonging to You alone.  You will adorn us with graces, virtues and blessings and we will be beautiful in Your sight and in the sight of the world.  You have made us a royal priesthood, a holy nation and You have set us apart to give You glory and honor all our days.

We were once sinners, we walked in darkness, but You sought us and found us and You bathed us and restored as sons and daughters of God.  You will wash away the filth of sin that has found a foothold in Your House and You will restore Your Church.  She will shine as Your light on a hilltop.  She will be a beacon to all nations and she will be declared as Your treasured and cherished spouse for You declare Yourself her divine Bridegroom.

1 Corinthians 12:4-11

My Beloved to each You have given gifts in order that we may carry out the mission which is entrusted to each.  The gifts and ministries are varied and some may be perceived as greater and more important than others.  This is not so although it may seem to be so.  Every good work is necessary to build up Your Body.  Every gift is given in order that You may be glorified.  You have poured out You Holy Spirit on each of us.  We are filled to overflowing according to our willingness to empty ourselves in order to receive and be filled by Him.

We must be docile under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  We must discover the special gifts that we have been given, this is possible through prayer and faith working together.  Once we become aware of our gifts, we are called to use them in order to draw many to You so that there will soon be one flock and one Shepherd all glorifying God here on earth and unendingly in heaven.

Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10

My Beloved, from the rising of the sun to its setting we are called to witness to all the wonderful things You have done for us.  You are worthy of endless praise.  Our very breath must praise and glorify You.  Grant O Lord that I and those I love give You joy as we live to love You and glorify You in all things.  May our praise, worship and adoration rise to the the highest heavens as a pleasing fragrance.  May our joys and sorrows, laughter and tears be pleasing to You as we walk closely with You and imitate You who are the Way the Truth and the Life.

John 2:1-22

Our lives must be lived in union with You only then is it a celebration but sin can enter and destroy this bond that we share with You.  Joy no longer fills our soul and we run out of the wine of the Holy Spirit.  Life loses is savor when we lose grace.  You have provided us with all we need at each Sacrament and we have an unending supply of grace through them however sin stops the flow and soon we become weak, unhappy, and sick.  Sin creates a barrier that cannot be overcome on our own, we need to run back to You and confess that we have run out of wine and we need to be healed and replenished once more.

You have made it easy for us to turn again to You if we turn to Your Mama and ours for help and You readily pour out the grace we need when she intercedes to You on our behalf.

Your hour is always here to those who come to You with a truly repentant and contrite heart.  You will touch our insipid lives and they will once again overflow with the abundance of Your goodness, sweetness and joy.

The wine of our lives must be spilled out in service to others only then can we expect to be filled unendingly or else we will become sour and stale.

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