Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21, John 8:21-300

Daily Holy Mass Readings:  Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21, John 8:21-30

Numbers 21:4-9

Here again Lord I see how You became sin that kills in order to bring healing,.  You are the Sinless One and because of this it  was possible for You to satisfy Justice by nailing our sins on the Cross with You and emptying Your life in order that we may die to sin and recieve new life in You.

Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21

My Beloved grant me the courage I need to speak the Truth and offer Your counsel.  I am  coward Lord like Peter who denied You.  Given half a chance I will run away and hide rather than step up boldlylike Peter after Pentecost, and say what must be said.  Verse 19 reassures me that You will answer the prayers of the needy and will not despire their plea.  I AM NEEDY LORD and I am not ashamed to admit it to You.  HELP ME!!!!

John 8:21-30

Verse 24  "You will die in your sins unless you believe that I AM HE."

Can You speak any plainer than this my Beloved.  You speak with clarity and we can choose to either accept or reject it.  Salvation and peace are ours if we so desire.  It is a choice we each must make.  Choose life and live, choose death and die a death from which there is no rising again.

O Lord help me.  Let me not take the coward's way of silence.  Love is not love if it will not speak plainly of that which is often unpleasant to hear but which is necessary.

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