Sunday, September 4, 2011

John 10:22-30, Ezekiel 33:1, 7-9, Romans 13:8-10, Matthew 18:15-20, Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9

Daily Meditation:  John 10:22-30
John 10:22-30

In these verses, we are told that those who had gathered around You were Jews,  that is a little strange because all the people to whom You preached, whom You called to be Your disciples, all Your followers, the people who crowded around You wherever You went were Jews.  So what does this phrase mean?  These are the Jews who were unconverted and unmoved by Your message of love despite the incredible miraculous signs that they had witnessed.  It was apparent to everyone else except this group that Your power was divine and its source was divine.  

There are always those who ask for a circus.  They want to be titillated.  You never performed a single miracle unless certain criteria that You looked for were met.  There was a reason for every single one of them. 

Many of these 'Jews' were witnesses to Your earlier signs and wonders but their minds remained closed.  They wanted You to confirm who You were.  Your work among them were witness to who You are - there was enough confirmation if they had truly wanted to believe.  These have chosen to remain outside the fold.

In verses 27-30 You tell us who Your sheep are.  The mark of Your sheep who belong to You and for whom You gladly and willingly laid down Your life.  These You would set free from the slavery of sin and make them children of God.  What an intimate relationship we who are You sheep share with You our Good Shepherd.  We recognize You voice from the many voices in the world and we listen, respond, obey and follow You.  We place all our hope, trust, faith and confidence in You and Your love for we know that You will always care for Your own.  We have Your assurance that no one can steal us from the Father's hand because we are one with You and You are One with the Father.
Your seal of ownership is imprinted on our soul and no evil would dare to snatch us from You.

I pray for all who refuse to acknowledge You as their Lord, Master and Shepherd.  They have strayed into other pastures for nourishment.  They are exposed to danger and face the threat of perishing eternally.

Have mercy Lord and for the sake of Your Holy Name which is, 'One who saves,' please save them.

Daily Mass Readings:  Ezekiel 33:1, 7-9, Romans 13:8-10, 
                                      Matthew 18:15-20, Psalm 95:1-2, 6-9

Ezekiel 33:1, 7-9

I am called to be my brother's keeper because every soul is precious in the sight of God.  I must sound the alarm when I see one of God's children stray, I am accountable and therefore I must speak.  It is not my concern if they refuse to respond but speak I must.  

Romans 13:8-10

Love alone must motivate all my actions.  Love and love alone in imitation of the Beloved.

Matthew 18:15-20

Beloved, You have given the successor of Peter and the successors of the Apostles, the Bishops, awesome power.  Heaven itself is held bound or unbound by what the Church proclaims.  Therefore the Church takes her duty very seriously.  In matters of faith and morals we can be certain that Your Church will never let You sheep stray into error.

Thank You for assuring us that even when two or three are gathered in prayer in Your Name, You will be present with us and all that we ask for will be granted to us by the Father.   

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