Daily Meditation: Deuteronomy 6:5-8
Deuteronomy 6:5-8
5 And you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 Engrave on your heart the commandments that I pass on to you today. 7 Repeat them over and over to your children, speak of them when you are at home and when you travel, when you lie down and when you rise. 8 Brand them on your hand as a sign, and keep them always before your eyes. My Beloved let me take these beautiful words which You give me today and may they rule my life. I want to love You as You ought to be loved. Your Word is my delight. It nourishes my soul and gives me strength. It renews my soul and increases my love for You. Help me to make Your word a lamp to my path not only for myself but all who accompany me on my journey to You, even if they are destined to walk only part of the way with me.
Daily Mass Readings: Song 3:1-4b John 20-1-2, 11-18, Psalm 63;2-9
Song 3:1-4
My Beloved, how beautifully Your Bride the Church expresses herself in these verses. I echo her sentiments for You, the Beloved. It is You I long for. I long to please You always. My delight is in You and You alone. I seek You all the time. For many years I did not know that it was You that I longed for - You I hungered and thirsted for. I sought You in the highways and byways of life in people and places and I could not find You anywhere. It was only when I left the noise and clamor behind, in my solitude, in tears, loss and heartbreak, when I cried out to You for consolation I found You. From that moment on I have held on to You - and You have held me even closer. Never, with Your help shall I go away again. Stay with me my Beloved.
John 20-1-2, 11-18
My Beloved. how often it is the early hours of the morning when we have exhausted every other avenue and are left with a bitter taste in the mouth, that we trace our steps to the One we have spent the most precious times of our life. But there may be grave sin that becomes a heavy boulder, blocking our entrance to You. It is only in acknowledging our sin, confessing them with tears and resolving to never offend You again, that the hardness of sin which had been a barrier between us, is lifted and we are received once again into the loving arms of a loving God.
Beloved, once we have encountered You and experienced the sweetness of Your love, we are called to spread the Good News of our awakening from death to life. "I have seen the Lord and this is what He said to me."
Psalm 63:2-9
2 O God, you are my God, it is you I seek;
for you my body longs and my soul thirsts,
as a dry and weary land without water.
3 Thus have I gazed upon you in the sanctuary,
to see your power and your glory.
4 Your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
5 I will bless you as long as I live,
lift up my hands and call on your name.
6 As with the richest food my soul will feast;
my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.
7 When I remember you on my bed
I think of you all through the night,
8 for you have been my help;
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
9 My soul clings to you,
your right hand upholds me.
This is once of the most, if not the most beautiful of all the Psalms. My heart and my lips sing it in praise of my God.
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