Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Acts 8:32-35, Deuteronomy:1, 5-9, Matthew 5:17-19, Psalm 147:12-16, 19-20

Daily Inspiration:  Acts 8:32-35

32 This was the passage of Scripture he was reading:
He was led like a sheep to be slaughtered; like a lamb that is dumb before the shearer, he did not open his mouth. 33 He was humbled and deprived of his rights. Who can speak of his descendants? For he was uprooted from the earth.
34 The official asked Philip, “Tell me, please, does the prophet speak of himself or of someone else?”
35 Then Philip began to tell him the Good News of Jesus, using this text of Scripture as his starting point.

Beloved, when we feel betrayed and are hurt to the very core of our being believing that  there can be no suffering or humiliation like our own, it would do us well to reflect on these verses.  There is nothing that You  have not endured in Your own life on earth - You experienced every human experience and so You understand perfectly when we go through trials, suffering, difficulties and temptation.  Even if we have made a train wreck of our lives, we can come to You for healing and understanding, forgiveness and peace.  At any stage in our journey we can use You as our reference point to bring meaning into our life.  You are the great example and we would all do well to imitate You as well as we can always.

Daily Mass Readings: Deuteronomy:1, 5-9, Matthew 5:17-19, Psalm 147:12-16, 19-20
Deuteronomy:7 & 9

My Beloved, so many lives today are destroyed or are heading for destruction because they have no clue about who You are and the relationship we must have with You in order to live meaningful lives.  Parents have betrayed their children by not handing down the faith in all its purity, simplicity and grandeur to their children and thus they have grown up ignorant and Godless.  These then have not been able to hand down the faith to their own offspring and this goes on and on.  This results in the lack of a moral compass by which to live and steer their broken lives. The sins of the parents are visited in this way and yet You are blamed for all that is wrong with the world.  

The Catholic Church is the Seat of Wisdom where God resides.  We encounter You personally at every Mass.  Here we are actually given a glimpse of the Great Wedding Banquet in Heaven with You as the Bridegroom.  We the Church,  Your Bride, approach the table and You offer Yourself to us in entirety - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  In consuming You were are consumed by You and this spousal union is complete.  You remain in us only for a short while Beloved, until the next Holy Communion.  In Heaven though this union will never end.  Have mercy on Your world Lord and Your people and bring us and our children back to You and to true happiness, fulfillment and joy in and through You.

Matthew 5:17-19

Beloved, You could not have spoken more clearly or bluntly.  We have the treasure and truth of Your Word in Scripture as our daily food and yet so many have never sought the wisdom and strength that comes from its unchanging teaching.  Parents have failed their children in not introducing them to the fount of wisdom because they themselves have been ignorant of this treasure.  The cycle goes on and on resulting, in children who cling on to people or things which cannot give them what they are seeking.  They go from one relationship to another, on new gadget to another and they get more and more disillusioned.  Only You can satisfy.  Once You have been given primacy in our life everything falls perfectly into place.  

Help me Lord to help others.  Grant me the opportunities my Beloved to bring those I love home to You, so that one day together with You we can feast forever at the eternal Banquet of Love.

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