Saturday, May 20, 2017

Acts 16:1-10, Psalm 100:1-3, 5, John 15:18-21


If then you were raised with Christ,  seek what is above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Col. 3:1

Acts 16:1-10, Psalm 100:1-3, 5, John 15:18-21

Acts 16:1-10

Dear Love,

From the Acts of the Apostles we see how the they and the disciples who now followed You obeyed the decisions reached by Peter and the Apostles. We see how from the very outset the Magisterium decided what was lawful and what was not. We also see how each individual Apostle too made decisions according to what he deemed necessary for the good of the community. Here was Timothy, a good man with a Greek father and a Jewish mother who believed in You but he was not circumcised although according to the Jewish culture, since his mother was a Jew he ought to have been. Paul wished to take Timothy with him as he travelled to different places to preach the Gospel and he did not want any unnecessary dissent among the Jewish Christians to question why Timothy was not circumcised according to the Jewish law. 

Guided by the Holy Spirit always they went where He led them, not following their own way but permitting the Holy Spirit to dictate, lead, guide, and inspire them.This is the best way for us to live our daily lives. You have given the Holy Spirit to us as a powerful Helper to lead us to heaven and yet we neglect Him disgracefully and then we complain when we make foolish choices that You did not intervene. 

When we grant the Holy Spirit complete control over our lives we will find that we will be more joyful and fruitful.

Psalm 100:1-3, 5

Dear Love,

All the psalms chosen for the Liturgy in this time between Easter and Pentecost urge us to sing joyfully, to the Lord. When we contemplate all that God has accomplished through You and all that is possible when we allow the Holy Spirit to have full control over our lives we will be so overwhelmed with joy that it will be impossible not sing, shout, dance, and praise God for that He has done and continues to do for us.

We must be so filled with marvel that we cannot but shout the Good News from the rooftops that all may come to believe the truth about God, about His Son,, and about the Holy Spirit. If we allow the Holy Spirit to take full control over us and we are attentive and obedient to His guidance then the whole world would come to know You and the peace that You have given us will become a reality.

Thank You for numbering me as one of Your sheep dear, dear, Lover and most beloved of my soul.

John 15:18-21

Dear Love,

You remind us today in no uncertain terms that the world will hate us. They hated You and we who are Your disciples can expect no less. Why does the world hate You who came only to reveal the love of the Father to us? Why does the world hate with such visceral hatred those who are called by Your Name? What is it about this faith that we believe and we proclaim that infuriates, angers, and is opposed by whole nations? You who are gentle, kind, loving, patient, and came only to show us a better way, a more perfect way to live here on earth so we may receive the joy of eternal life in heaven.

The Enemy hates us because he hates You. He is so envious and jealous of us because he is aware of how much God loves us, the same God that drove him out of heaven and condemned him and the fallen angels to eternal separation from Himself. This is hell. Eternal separation from God and he desires us to be separated from the God of love as well. This is why there is such evil in the world and it keeps spiraling and is almost out of control like a whirling dervish it destroys and lays everything in its path.  

But You have triumphed dear Love. We are in the last days. And we do know the end of the story. The victory that is Yours is ours as well. Alleluia!!!

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