Friday, March 24, 2017

Hosea 14:2-10, Psalm 81:6-11, 14 & 17, Mark 12:28-34


Repent, says the Lord;
the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Mt 4:17

Hosea 14:2-10, Psalm 81:6-11, 14 & 17, Mark 12:28-34

Hosea 14:2-10

My soul's beloved, I return to You with all my heart. I know that in the past I have strayed from the path of life but now O Lord by sinful wandering has come to an end. I am Yours. I belong to You. Planted in You cause me to bear abundant fruit, good fruit that will last so I may be a blessing to all who come to me. Grant my desire for the gift of prudence, self control,  fortitude,discipline, kindness, goodness, generosity of spirit and a loving disposition. Teach me patience in the midst of chaos. Forgive all my past sins and give me all the grace I need to begin anew.

You have healed me, You have restored to me all I had lost, You welcome me back into the family of good and freely You pour upon me every good and perfect gift to help me stay on the path of life. You have turned You anger away from me for You know that I am nothing, too weak to help myself, You know that You need to carry me, to life me up, to place me in Your Sacred Heart which is my refuge and my home. You will nurture me, You will cause me to grow,to send roots deep into You and to cause me to bear an abundance of good fruit.  

Grant me wisdom of heart that I am always choose to do  You will in all things.

Psalm 81:6-11, 14 & 17

My soul's beloved, You have created me for Yourself. I know I have been stubborn of heart, wayward in spirit, and a sinner. But You O Lord called from darkness in Your marvelous light, You called me by name and I heard You. You took away the burden of all y sins and You washed me and restored my soul. You are my constant companion. You have put Your own Holy Spirit in my heart. He is my Paraclete,my Guide, My Helper

You washed me and restored my soul. Grant that I may always hear His prompting and obey all He commands. You have invited me to walk in the way that leads to eternal joy.You feed me on the Eucharist and I am invited to the eternal banquet in the Kingdom of God where the wedding feast is eternal and the Bridegroom will be united with His Bride forever..

Mark 12:28-34

My soul's beloved, the Scribe approached You and asked You this question, "Which is the first of all the commandments?" You answered that we are all called to love God passionately, above and before all else, with a love that is prepared to meet all the demands that love asks of us. To have a single minded love for God  and counting nothing too much to give up for the sake of the Kingdom. The next follows on the heels of the first, We are called to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. These two commandments sum up all that the law demands and all that You came to teach us about the Kingdom of God.

The scribe heartily agreed with what You said and he added that fulfilling these two commandments of God is better than any sacrifice we can make and You applauded him for his insight assuring him that he was not far from the Kingdom of God because he understood the things of God.  Grant me too my Beloved the grace to understand the values of the Kingdom.

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