Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17, Psalm 96:10-13, Matthew 23:23-26


2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17, Psalm 96:10-13, Matthew 23:23-26

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17

My Beloved, in this world steadily darkening through the wickedness of sin You ask us not to lose heart. Do not be easily unsettled, do not be alarmed, do not be deceived. Why? Because You chose us eternally to be counted among those saved through true faith.  Faith that sanctifies through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are called to share in Your glory because You are the Spouse of Your Church, Your bride, Your Body of which we the faithful are members.

Beloved grant me the grace to stand firm not to be easily wounded, overly sensitive, I am after all a daughter of the King, the Queen of Heaven is my Mother, the Saints are my brothers and sisters.  You are mine as I am Yours.  You have put angels in charge of me lest I stumble.  What have I to fear but fear itself.  I walk in the Light that has overcome the darkness and I myself have been counted among the children of the Light.  Alleluia! 

Psalm 96:10-13 

My Beloved, all rule, power, authority and dominion are given to You.  This is the truth. While it may seem that the forces of darkness have overpowered the Light, we know that this is a lie for the father of deceit and lies is using his last ounce of power to destroy plunder and steal the souls of the children of God.  This is the hour of evil and it will pass. Your faithful will remain steadfast for You have triumphed, You have overcome evil.  The world and all creation rejoices for we know that You have won the victory, death has lost its sting and truth and justice prevail.

Matthew 23:23-26

My Beloved, You continue to berate hypocrites who do evil but deceive themselves that they good as they go about sanctimoniously and publicly condemning everyone.  We can be publicly and privately scrupulous about the little things and forget about what You truly desire of us, to be loving, compassionate, kind and merciful.  You desire that we help the one who stumbles or fall rather than to condemn them. 

Help me Lord to be holy as You are holy.  To frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation in order that I may be clean on the inside which will then impact my whole life for good.

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