Friday, July 4, 2014

Acts 10:24-35, Hebrews 1:2-3, Psalm 42:1-2 & 4, John 20:24-29



Acts 10:24-35, Hebrews 1:2-3, Psalm 42:1-2 & 4, John 20:24-29

Acts 10:24-35

My Beloved, those in the Church serve.  They must never forget that only God is worshipped the rest of us are His servants.  We serve our brothers and sisters at the command and will of God. 

Verses 25-26   As Peter was about to enter, Cornelius went to him, fell on his knees and bowed low. But Peter lifted him up saying, “Stand up, for I too am a human being.”  

Peter reminds Cornelius that we do not bow before man but before God alone to whom worship is due. 

Beloved, verse 30 assures us that when we pray the heaven open and God hears and answers according to our need. In Verse 33 Cornelius who is filled with gratitude that Peter came to his home when he called believes that he and his family are blessed.  As they stay stood before Peter they believed that they were  in God's presence.  

When we stand with the Pope, the successor of Peter, we must forget our own little dreams and plans and pay attention to what God desires of us. We must listen and obey Him. Prompted by the Holy Spirit Peter speaks in truth in verse 34  Truly, I realize that God does not show partiality  but in all nations he listens to everyone who fears God and does good.

Hebrews 1:2-3

My Beloved, at the appointed time, when all was ready, God set His plan in motion. First He had to receive the 'fiat' of a young, virgin girl whom He invited to collaborate with Him in His awesome plan of saving His poor, weak, sinful creatures. 

God spoke a Word at creation and all that is came into being.  In our time God speaks a Word and the Word descended into Mary's womb and was clothed in Human Flesh.  Through You my Beloved,  we become all that God meant him to be when He first created us.  You are the radiance and glory of God. Ten thousand time brighter than the sun.  You bear in Your Being, within and without the infinite love of God.  You make known to us all that the Father desires us to know.  You reveal the Father to us and make known to us Your mission, which is to take upon Yourself every sin from the first to the last.  Having become the Victim that made expiation for our sins You are seated at the right hand of the Father in glory, majesty and splendor.  We wait in hope for Your coming to claim us as Your own. 

Psalm 42:1-2 & 4

I long for You.  I hunger and thirst for You.  Thank You for satisfying me and granting me all I need at the Eucharistic Table, Your banquet of Love.

John 20:24-29

My Beloved, You invite us all to, "resist no longer but be a believer."  Many hear Your invitation to change their scepticism into acceptance of the Truth and responding in the manner of St. Thomas, they say they will not believe until they can see, touch, taste and experience for themselves that You are who You say You are.  In turn You say to us what You said first to those in the room and then to all who believe and to those You say what You say to all who do not believe in Verse 27   “Put your finger here and see my hands; stretch out your hand and put it into my side. Resist no longer and be a believer.” 28 Thomas then said, “You are my Lord and my God.” 29 Jesus replied, “You believe because you see me, don’t you? Happy are those who have not seen and believe.” On that day all who resisted You for so long will fall before You in worship and say, You are my Lord and my God!"

Thank You that we are counted among those blessed lot who have not seen yet believe.

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