Saturday, June 24, 2017

Isaiah 49:1-6, Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66, 80



You, child, will be called prophet of the Most High,
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way. Lk 1:76

Isaiah 49:1-6,  Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66, 80

Isaiah 49:1-6

Dear Love,

To the prophet Isaiah many wonderful revelations were given concerning You, Your coming, Your herald John the Baptist. These prophecies at regular intervals increased the anticipation and the longing for the wonderful things that God our Father was preparing the world for, Your coming into the world.

Here he speaks of St. John the Baptist, Your cousin, chosen by God to prepare the way for You. However, all these awesome things about John can also be applied to us, to me, in a way for each one of us is a thought of God, is part of the plan of God, and to each is given a mission to make You known and loved to the ends of the earth.  Called from the moment I was conceived, You gave me my name, You gave me Your Word which is sharper than a double-edged sword. I am Your servant, I am the handmaid of  God's handmaid and to all who belong to You, You have revealed Your power and Your glory.

Your light is given to me at baptism and I have a mission to shed that light no matter how tiny, weak, or flickering, to help  another find the way to You and to Your heart.

St. John the Baptist was faithful to the end. Grant that I too may be faithful until I breathe forth my spirit.

Psalm 139:1-3, 13-15

Dear Love,

When St. John the Baptist was in Elizabeth's womb he encountered You when Mary when to visit her cousin. He leaped for joy for he recognized that he was in the presence of the Most High. From that instant he was filled with the Holy Spirit and with zeal to do all that God had planned for him.

Of him You said,there never was another born of woman who was greater than John and You added yet he who is the least in the Kingdom of God is greater. I am Your little nothing, truly the least of the least, and in my own minuscule way I desire to strive in all things to obey  You and do Your will. Thank You for creating me. Thank You for Your intimate knowledge of me. Thank You for my glorious destiny in You and with You forever.

Acts 13:22-26

Dear Love,

Paul recognized that St. John the Baptist was the herald of the Good News, a descendant of king David of whom God said, "I  have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will carry out my every wish." So did St. John, he too carried out the Father's every wish even to the laying down of his life for the sake of the Truth. He testified that he was not the one that the people of God were waiting for, he was not the Messiah. In all humility he said he was too unworthy to even unfasten Your sandals.

Grant Beloved, that I too may understand the little place I have in the grand scheme of God's plan and that I may humbly but faithfully do all that You command.

Luke 1:57-66, 80

Dear Lord,

St. John the Baptist was a child of prophecy. Zechariah did not believe and was struck dumb. When Elizabeth gave birth she was asked to what his name would be, the name already chosen by God was John but they would not believe for there was no one of that name among their relatives. But God always does a new thing, the old ways must give way to the new and when Zechariah confirmed his name, his tongue was released for at last he was conforming to God's will.

Of each new child that comes into the world it ought to be said,

"What, then, will this child be?"
For surely the hand of the Lord was with him."

Stay with us Lord, stay with our children and may the awesome plans of God for each of be be realized for His glory and His glory alone. Amen.

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