Thursday, April 27, 2017

Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36


You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me, says the Lord;
blessed are those who have not seen, but still believe? Jn 20:29

Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36

Acts 5:27-33

My soul's beloved, if our faith is weak we can easily be intimidated by those in power who use their authority to suppress the good, the true and the noble. Peter was a different man after Your Resurrection, from the one who had so easily cowered in fear and cowardice denying You with oaths before a servant girl. We see him now bold, full of courage, unafraid so speak the truth in no uncertain terms. Filled with the Holy Spirit he was prepared to face persecution, imprisonment, whipping and even death but nothing would stop him from preaching the Risen Christ. 

Like the Apostles we too are called to fill the world with Your teaching which brings life, joy and salvation. We must remember that it is better to obey God in all things than people no matter how powerful and influential they may be.

God has raised You up before all thrones, all dominions, all authority, and has seated You at His right hand giving You and only You absolute power. We all have played our part in Your crucifixion but You came to forgive our sins and to save us. You came to give us Your Holy Spirit and we are called to be Your witnesses as we live each day in obedience to Your will no matter what it may cost us.

Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20

My soul's beloved, thank You for Your assurance that You will always hear and answer our prayers, our cries when we call out to You. You make a hiding place for those who seek refuge in You. You rescue us from our own evil desires and grant us grace and strength through the Sacraments to overcome temptation. No one who calls to You will be ignored for You came precisely for the poor, the sinner, the sick, the suffering, those exhausted by the troubles of life. You are our deliverer in whom we can place all our trust.

John 3:31-36

My soul's beloved, God wanted us to know what He was like and so He sent You into the world. You are the image of the Unseen God. You reflect Him in all His goodness and perfection. You have shown us who the Father is and You have said clearly that anyone who has seen You has seen the Father as well. 

There are many in this world who are content to be knowledgeable in the things of the world. They are so steeped in the culture of the day that exalts the self and denies the existence of a power above and over all who created us for a definite purpose. The exalt the present life to the exclusion of the eternal and they are prepared to defend their own personal dogmas over eternal, and divine truths.

You came to show us the way to the Father. You revealed to us who the Father is and You have given us the Holy Spirit in order that we may be led by Him and taught by Him about the things of heaven. You testified with Your life about what gives eternal life and what brings eternal death and it is our choice to decide whether we believe in You and obey You or to believe in the world and allow the world to have dominion over us.

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