Sunday, March 19, 2017

Exodus 17:3-7, Psalm 95:1-2,6-9, Romans 5:1-2, 5-8, John 4:5:42


Lord, you are truly the Savior of the world;
give me living water, that I may never thirst again. Jn  4:42, 15

Exodus 17:3-7, Psalm 95:1-2,6-9, Romans 5:1-2, 5-8, John 4:5:42

Exodus 17:3-7

My soul's beloved, You are the Rock that we struck and from You flows living water. You are the source of eternal life. You satisfy our hunger, You slake our thirst. You offer Yourself up as a willing sacrifice. You are the Lamb without,  a willing victim for the sins of all men and women. From You we receive forgiveness for all our sin.

Psalm 95:1-2,6-9

My soul's beloved, at every celebration of the Holy Eucharist we come before You singing songs of joyful praise, acclaiming all You have done for us and how You redeemed us. We are filled with thanksgiving, and awe as we worship You our Lord and God. We bow before You and we acknowledge all You have done to save us. We recall the ultimate price paid in order that all we had lost forever could be forever restored. Thank You for standing in the breech and for becoming sin and entering death in order that we may be set free from slavery to the desires of the flesh, the world and the devil and be filled with new life and grace that freely flows from You to all who believe.

Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

My soul's beloved, we are justified by our belief in You and Your saving sacrifice. We are justified by our belief that we receive the peace of the Father through You who are the Prince of Peace. Saved by You, washed in Your Blood, fed by Your Body, and drinking from the fount of Living Water that has its source in Your Heart and flows out through Your side we quench our thirst for the good, the beautiful, the holy and the pure. We stand in the grace that You have obtained for us through Your obedience to the Father. You restored our hope in life everlasting in the Kingdom of God. You have poured Your life into us and have given us a full measure of Your Holy Spirit. No longer are we orphans and slaves but we are now the sons and daughter of God for in dying  for us You restored our inheritance.

John 4:5:42

My soul's beloved, it is always You who comes to us, who seeks us and finds us. You do not look at our unworthiness but desire to give us all we lack so we might love You as we ought. You are a Teacher, a Shepherd, a Guide, a Lover, a Friend, a Brother. We believe that You are truly the Son of God who became one like us in all things. You experienced all that our human condition experiences. Hunger, cold, thirst, disappointment, anger, impatience but You did not succumb to temptation nor did You commit sin. In this passage we are told that You were tired from the journey and You sat at the well in the heat of the noonday sun. This is where the encounter takes place between God and the sinner. She was aware of her sins but she preferred her sinful way of life and so to avoid the scorn of the other women she chose a time to fill her jar when she was sure no one would see her. Their looks stirred her conscience but not enough to make her resolve to give up her sinful life.

You are not only waiting for her, You initiate the conversation and we see how step by step You lead her from awareness of her sins, to confession, to repentance, to contrition, to reconciliation, and finally to mission and evangelisation. You filled her empty heart with true joy. You took away the burden of her sins and her life took on a new purpose and meaning. You made her a new creation and she did not keep the good news to herself but joyfully proclaimed it to the people where she live so all came to see You and they believed.

Help me Lord never to be discouraged no matter how gravely I may fall into sin for You wait for me in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and You will forgive, cleanse, heal, and restore. Help me to take my mission seriously and to bring others to know and love You as I know and love You Beloved.

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