Sunday, March 26, 2017

1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10, 13, Psalm 23:1-6, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41



I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
whoever follows me will have the light of life. Jn 8:12

1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10, 13, Psalm 23:1-6, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41

1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10, 13

My soul's beloved ever since original sin the Father resolved to offer You as our atoning sacrifice. We see glimpses of the Father's plan all through salvation history. It is the gleaming thread that weaves in and out of all the events that took place right from the call of Abraham until the birth of John the Baptist the precursor whom God sent to announce that the hour of our redemption had finally arrived.

In this even when God sends Samuel to anoint one of the sons of Jesse we see how God chose the David, the youngest who was a shepherd.  God reminds us that He has a way of looking at us that is in contrast with the way the world perceives for we judge by outward appearances but God looks at the heart. 

Samuel waited for the arrival of David who was in the fields and said that the sacrificial banquet would not begin until he was present. We too had to wait a long time for Your arrival in order to take sit at the sacrificial banquet at which You were both the Sacrifice and the Priest offering the Sacrifice to the Father.

God's favor rested on David and when he was was anointed in the presence of his brother the spirit of the Lord rushed upon him. When You were baptized at the river Jordan the Holy Spirit came upon You in the form of a dove and the voice of God was heard - this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.  You are the fulfillment of every promise and every Covenant that God has made. Thank You Father.

Psalm 23:1-6

My soul's beloved, You are my Shepherd and as long as you take my right hand and hold it in Your own I shall want for nothing. I will be fed on the Bread of Angels, I shall drink from the fount of Living Water that flows from You and You will refresh my soul and strengthen my spirit.

You have granted me Your Holy Spirit who is my Guide, my Helper, my Paraclete, my Comforter to guide me along the path that leads to life. No matter what troubles may come my way, no matter the crosses that are laid upon me all the days that I may live I shall not be afraid for God, my God is at my side. He clears a path before me and destroys the enemy that would otherwise have assailed me. This knowledge give me courage, hope, and comfort.

You O Lord my God honor me even though I am a sinner and undeserving of all the blessings that You shower upon me every day. You bless me and You raise me up. I have hope because You treat me with loving kindness, You give me life, You make of me a new creation, and You assure me that I will dwell with You eternally.

Ephesians 5:8-14

My soul's beloved, evil lurks in the dark and when we consort with evil its companions are guilt and shame.  But You have called us out of darkness into Your own marvelous light. We are no longer children of the night but children of the Light that shines forth from the Son of the Most High. If I claim to be a child of light then I must cast aside the works of darkness and bear fruit that are witness to this Light that is given to me if not then I am a liar and Your Light is not in me.

Help Lord to walk always in the Light of Your Love, in the Light of Truth and to flee from those temptations that can only make me a prisoner. The world, the flesh and the works of darkness offer only a temporary and fleeting pleasure whereas the Spirit of Light brings life and freedom. 

John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38

My soul's beloved, the Sacraments are outward signs that point to the unseen work of grace of God in the soul. You spat on the ground and made a paste with Your saliva smeared the blind man;s eyes and asked him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The Sacraments take water, bread, wine, and oil and through this tangible things something wonderful takes place in our soul that is more real than anything we can imagine. 

Thank You for leading me from darkness to light. Thank You  for the Sacraments that assure us that all that You promise through them is granted to us.

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