Friday, January 6, 2017

1 John 5:5-13, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Mark 1:7-11


The heavens were opened and the voice of the Father thundered:
This is my beloved Son. Listen to him. Mk 9:6

1 John 5:5-13, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Mark 1:7-11

1 John 5:5-13

My soul's beloved, we are assure that if we believe that You are the Son of God we have won victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.  By virtue of our baptism we are given this free gift of faith that enable us to believe the testimony of the Father that You are His Son, the One You sent into the world to save and redeem us all and to give us eternal life. That life that is only given to those who believe that He sent You.

The Father, the Holy Spirit, Your obedience to the Father and Mary's fiat made it possible for God to take on flesh and become like one of us in all things save sin to show us how much God loves us. While we were yet sinners You came into the world to make known the Father's love and to to woo us back to Him.  

To all who believe has been given the power to become children of God and to inherit eternal life from You who alone has the power to give it. This is the will of God that all who believe in You receive eternal life. Thank You.

Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20

My soul's beloved, as Christians we are privileged to be grafted into Your Body through the waters of Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Spirit. We have Your life flowing through us - eternal life. We are fed on the finest wheat and our mouths are filled with the sweetest wine when we receive Your Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist and You become our food which sustains us for the journey from this life to the next.

You put a song of praise on our lips and joy in our hearts for You have drawn us into fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit through You. How blessed we are to have received this awesome gift of faith and for the privilege of the children of our womb being born into it as well. There is no greater gift than this that we are called children of God and that we have an eternal destiny with You.

Mark 1:7-11

My soul's beloved, we have the testimony of John the Baptist of what took place that day when the Son of God came to the river Jordan to be baptized by John. There was an epiphany that day when God the Father proclaimed to the whole world that You are His Son and the Holy Spirit rested upon You and empowered You to take up Your mission of redeeming the world.

John did not suffer delusions of grandeur as men of importance do. He knew who he was and he knew what God desired of him. He did not make himself  greater than You because he knew that You were the Messiah sent by God and he too testified to it. All who flocked to him to be baptized were told that there was one greater than he who would baptize with water, with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 

In perfect humility and obedience the Sinless One stood among sinners, identifying with them when You submitted to baptism and the Father tore asunder the heaven and the Holy Spirit rested upon You as the Father's voice was heard as He proudly proclaimed and gave to us His poor, sinful, adopted children His own beloved Son  and commanded us to listen to You if we are to have a share in Your inheritance. The Father will be well pleased with us too if we always listen to You.

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