Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14, Psalm 117:1-2, Luke 11:1-4

Daily Holy Mass Readings

You have received a spirit of adoption of sons through which we cry: Abba! Father! Rom.8:15

Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14, Psalm 117:1-2, Luke 11:1-4

Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14

My soul's beloved, there is one thing and one thing alone which is intolerable and that is hypocrisy no matter where it is found.  To preach one thing with passion and to be afraid to practice it when it is inconvenient or because one desires to please a certain section of people is distasteful and must be condemned.

We are thankful to St. Paul for narrating the entire incident so we are reminded of the danger of duplicity. Paul was not afraid to call out Peter in public and shame him because there was a greater good involved. We cannot ask the people we evangelize to to do anything that we are not prepared to do first if we are to be effective witnesses to the Truth. 

Psalm 117:1-2

My soul's beloved, to each of the baptized has been given the mission to go out into the world and tell the Good News of our salvation. You have invited us to be part of the great commission given to the Apostles. Each of us in our own way carries a responsibility to preach the Gospel in season and out of season by the way we live our lives in the world. When we have labored faithfully and the time of rest will approach then we can be confident that Your faithful love and kindness will lead us to the place that has been prepared for us and is waiting for us in Your Kingdom. Thisis the reason we praise and glorify You to all people and to all nations. Indeed we have an awesome God and His Name is Love, Mercy and Everlasting kindness.

Luke 11:1-4

My soul's beloved, You had a close and loving relationship with Your Fathervand nothing gave You greater joy than to steal away from the crowd, the Apostles, Your followers, and disciples and spend hours alone in close communion with Hi. The more exhausted You were the greater was Your desire to get away and rest on Your Father's bosom and be restored, refreshed and replenished by Him.  The Apostles must have noticed a marked difference in You when You returned from being wit Your Father. They knew You went to pray and they wanted that joy radiated from You, the energy and the power and so they asked You to teach them to pray as as John taught his disciples.

You then gave them a simple formula, one tailor made for us. The Lord's Prayer is called a complete prayer. It has a structure. It shows us how we should make our own prayers based on it. It enables us to approach the Father in the right spirit when we call Him Abba, Dad, Papa. In our own lives so many of us do not have a good relationship with our own earthly fathers knowing that we have a perfect Daddy God to whom we can make all our needs known and who can always be trust is wonderful for having Him as our Abba we need no other.

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