Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Acts 12:1-11, 2Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18, Psalm 34:2-9, Matthew 16:13-19



Acts 12:1-11, 2Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18, Psalm 34:2-9, Matthew 16:13-19

 Acts 12:1-11

My soul's beloved, what You did for St. Peter You do for all who are members of Your Body. In Your Word to me today You said, "Courage! Don't be afraid. It's Me." And now through today's first reading I seen how You sent an angel to rescue Peter from what seemed to be an impossible situation. Yet we see how calm Peter was. Despite the fact that he was bound by double chains, had two guards beside him, and two guards by the gate he was asleep. He put all his trust in You. He was not afraid. When the angel came to set him free, he did not come by stealth, he did not injure the guards, in fact there light shone in the prison cell and the chains that bound him just fell away from his wrists. Peter was in such a deep sleep the angel had to tap him to wake him up. There was no attempt at making haste the angel made Peter put on his belt, wear his sandals and put on his cloak and when all this was done he told Peter to follow him. Past the sleeping guards, past the guards at the gate where the gates opened by themselves the two walked out unmolested by anyone and when Peter was quite safe the angel left. Once the dazed Peter understood what had just happened his faith was strengthened. 

No matter what evil the devil plots against us he will not prevail for You fight our battles alongside us. You set us free. 

2Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18

My soul's beloved, in the first reading we saw how You rescued Peter from imprisonment and perhaps death in the second reading we see how confident Paul was in his faith in his certainty that all he did was in accordance with Your will and the mission You had entrusted to him. Despite all he had suffered physically in teaching and preaching the Gospel he never for a moment doubted that You had personally given him his mission to make You known and loved by the gentiles. This he did tirelessly and this is why he could say with perfect confidence that he had poured himself out without hesitation in order to do as You asked. He fought the fight, he won the race, he kept the faith and the reward that is promised to all who are faithful to the divine call, was certain to be his.

He was able to fulfill his mission only because You were at his side giving him all the grace and strength required to proclaim Your Word and now at the sunset of his life he waited for You to take him to Yourself and there to remain with You in perfect joy eternally. This is the destiny of all who believe - eternal union with You.

Psalm 34:2-9

My soul's beloved, every soul who is faithful to the divine calling sings some version of the Magnificat when they know that they have done all You have asked. There is no greater joy or satisfaction than this that we have fulfilled our mission effectively because there was not a moment when You were not at our side fighting alongside us, giving us everything we needed from moment to moment. Our triumph is possible because You are with us, at our side always. This is why we exult in You and when we boast our boast is in You. Our mouths sing joyfully in praise that wells up from our heart. 

We are nothing, we have nothing. Every good and perfect gift is given by You. You keep us safe. You feed and strengthen us. And in the end You will come to receive us and accompany us to the place prepared for us from all eternity.

Matthew 16:13-19


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