Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Acts 5:17-26, Psalm 34:2-9, John 3:16-21


Acts 5:17-26, Psalm 34:2-9, John 3:16-21

Acts 5:17-26

My Beloved, it is clear from these verses that no harm will come to those who are under Your protection. Jealousy and envy makes us lose sight of all that is true, good, noble, and beautiful. They render people so blind that only the violent crushing and destruction of those who rouse such feelings in them can satisfy them. 

The same people who were jealous of You and Your power are now jealous of the power by which the Apostles and the disciples continued Your mission of spreading the Good News about the Kingdom of God. The miracles they perform in Your Name lead to their arrest. They were miraculously set free by an angel during the night and were given these instructions, “Go and stand in the Temple court and tell the people the whole of this living message.” They obeyed and at dawn entered to Temple and continued to teach and preach.

My Beloved, no barriers can come between us or which can keep You out except grave sin. We walk with the confidence of the children of God for we are grafted to Your Body and as long as we are faithful in living according to the law of love God remains true to His Covenant with us. Fear ought not to govern our lives but love and faith should.

Psalm 34:2-9

My Beloved, my whole life ought to be one of grateful thanksgiving for Your love toward me and Your compassion for my many weaknesses and the grace You make available each day in order that I may overcome them. Every breath I breathe must acknowledge in humility that without You I can do nothing. Grant me the grace to magnify You just as Mary, Your Mother did. She is the disciple par excellence and if I try to emulate her I will be pleasing to God.

Thank You my Beloved that in every trial I know that I can run to You and receive strength. You will come to my aid and help me. You will send angels to guard, guide and protect me. Thank You for Your loving Presence in my life.

John 3:16-21

My Beloved, I live because God so loved Me He sent You into the world in order that I may believe in You and believing that I may live. In God there is no condemnation no matter how gravely we may sin this is why He sent You to the world that You may reveal to us the Fatherly heart of God whose nature is love. We have His assurance that whoever believes in You will not die and will not be condemned.

Evil abhors the Light and that is why the agents of evil plot in the dark but the darkness can never overcome the Light. You are the Light of the world those who believe walk in the Light that is shed by the Truth of Your Word which is spoken in Love and all those who are guided by Truth do the work of God. All work we do prompted by the Holy Spirit, inspired by Him, guided by Him and strengthened by Grace channeled from You through Him will enable us to set the world on fire with Your love.

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