Monday, March 7, 2016

Isaiah 65:17-21, Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13, John 4:43-54


Isaiah 65:17-21, Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13, John 4:43-54

Isaiah 65:17-21

My Beloved, through Your Incarnation, Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection You created a new reality for all who believe in You. Evil has been crushed under Your heel and the Church You have established on earth is the doorway through which we enter the Kingdom of God. No longer do we have to offer endless animal sacrifices for the remission of sin We now offer the Father the eternal holocaust of Your Sacrifice on the Cross as the Lamb of God without stain or blemish. The only Sacrifice that has the power to end all former ways of approaching the Throne of Mercy and obtaining through the Blood of the Lamb forgiveness of all our sins and reconciliation with both God and man.

In You we are a new creation in whom You delight. We experience joy, peace, and love and we have Your guarantee that where You are we too will be and with You my Beloved we will know neither hunger or want for in You we receive the fullness of live.

Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13

My Beloved, You have crushed the devourer under Your foot and You have rescued me from the traps of Satan which had ensnared me. No longer am I a slave to sin for I now walk in the freedom of the children of God. I raise my heart, mind, soul and my entire being as I praise Your Holy Name as I recall Your great mercy to me. Thank You for Your mercy, tender compassion and never failing love – You do not hold on to Your wrath nor do You punish me as I deserve instead You seek me when I stray and having found me You carry me on Your shoulders and bring me home. Thank You for taking my broken heart every time I experienced anguish and turning my mourning into rejoicing. Thank You for taking away my sackcloth of sorrow and sadness and for robing me in Your perfect joy. For all You have done for me and continue to do I will praise You my Lord all the days of my life. Thank You.

John 4:43-54

My Beloved, once we have an experience of You and of the power of faith that operates in our life because we believe then we must welcome You in every one we encounter each day. These verses tell us that many had seen all the things You had done in Jerusalem and they heard You teach and preach as none other they had heard before. You spoke with the authority of who You were – the Son of God, the Eternal Word who was of God and with God before there was a beginning and in whom there is no end.

We too encounter You in the intimacy of the Holy Eucharist and this is why our whole being must be open and welcoming to everyone whose lives we touch each day. Along with those who believed was an official whose son was so sick he was dying and this man although he was a pagan, having heard of You he came to You to plead for the life of his son. In verse 48 You gently scold us for always wanting to see signs and wonders – this is why You said to Thomas and the rest of the Apostles and disciples, ‘Blessed are they who have not seen yet believe.” As any father would he pleaded with You to go with him before his child died and You said, “Go, your son is living.” The man had faith. He believed in Your Word – You said it and he believed it and his faith was rewarded for at that very moment the fever left his son and he was healed.

I too must have total confidence in Your Word – You are not a God of yes and no. In You and with You we live in the eternal Yes of God and believing we are saved.

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