Thursday, November 20, 2014

Revelations 5:1-10, Psalm 149:1-6 & 9, Luke 19:41-44


Revelations 5:1-10, Psalm 149:1-6 & 9, Luke 19:41-44

Revelations 5:1-10

The Gates open and we are given a glimpse of Your glory after Your Resurrection and Ascension into heaven.  We see You receiving from God the Father all honor, dominion, authority and power as One who was eternally equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, You now receive the Crown of Glory and Lordship over all creation for it is You who has saved and redeemed it with Your Blood and Your Life.   

It is only fitting and according the Father’s eternal plan that You receive for Your Own, the people who from every race, language and nation You purchased by Your Precious Blood and made for Yourself a Kingdom and priests for God.  Each in turn having completed their allotted time on earth will enter into Your glory and share Your inheritance as the adopted children of God having being grafted into Your Body through Baptism.

What a wonder hope and expectation is our Beloved in and through You.

Thank You!

Psalm 149:1-6 & 9

We will sing a new song in the assembly of all who have gone before us and together we will rejoice and give thanks to You my Beloved for all You have done for us wretched sinners.  You gave us Your Holy Spirit to live in us and help us.  Left to ourselves we would never have chosen the narrow gate and the cross which is the only way to God.

Thank You for choosing us, redeeming us, sanctifying us and sustaining us each and every day so we have an expectant faith and a joyful hope in seeing You and remaining with You forever.

Luke 19:41-44

My Beloved, our eyes are no longer held from seeing.  We are children of the Light all that the Father could do in making a way for His sinful creatures to return to Him He did in and through You so we may receive the inheritance He meant us to have when He created us.  Willful disobedience, wanton use of our free will and a lack of self-discipline and the lust of our eyes for material things keep us from receiving the fullness of joy and peace that You desire for us.

You pierced time and history.  You became like us, experiencing every aspect of our human condition.  You not only revealed to us the plan of God the Father You fulfilled it.  You gave us the Church, Your Word and Your Holy Spirit and we did not recognize the time and visitation of our Lord and our God.  We have no one to blame but ourselves for the miserable state the world is in today.  Yet, all is not lost my Beloved, all is never lost for we call Your Father our Father, Your Mama our Mama, we have Your Holy Spirit living in us, we have the Sacraments especially those of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist and with Your continued help and support, we will shine Your light and help our brothers and sister to know You and love You as we do.

Help us Lord!

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