Sunday, August 10, 2014

1 Kings 19:9, 11-13, Romans 9:1-5, Psalm 85:9-14, Matthew 14:22-36


1 Kings 19:9, 11-13, Romans 9:1-5,  Psalm 85:9-14, Matthew 14:22-36

1 Kings 19:9, 11-13

My Beloved, God comes to all those who desire a personal relationship with Him and asks us the same question He asked the prophet, "What are you doing here?"  He desires us to dialogue with Him, He wants us to tell Him everything our hopes, dreams and plans.  He wants us to reveal to Him our heart's desires and He will grant us all we need and more.

You come to us in ways we do not expect.  One would imagine that the all powerful, almighty God would come with great majesty and awesome power but You always take us by surprise for we find You where we would least imagine You would be. You can be found in quiet, in stillness in silence.  Like a weaned child on its mother's lap so must we be and we will experience You as You come to us and bathe us in Your light and grace.

Romans 9:1-5

My Beloved, a true disciple will feel as deeply as Paul does about those they love who are estranged from You.  Paul declares that He would prefer to suffer the loss of eternal separation from You if it would bring his brother Jews to a knowledge and acceptance of You as their Lord and their God.  What magnanimity! What great love!  

The logical conclusion of salvation of history is that they be saved and through them the rest of the world, but they rejected You and so we have been privileged to hear the Good News and be saved ahead of them.  

We in turn must take on the burden that Paul felt and strive to bring as many as we can to a knowledge of You and so into the fold of the children of God.

Psalm 85:9-14

My Beloved, everything that God has set out to do will be accomplished in You.  He sent You into the world to draw all people through You to Himself and so it shall be for  verses 11 to 13 assure us that You who are the fullness of love and faithfulness, will reach out to the Father  in Your humanity in solidarity with each one of us, as the Son of Man, and as the Son of God will descend from heaven bringing justice for all.  Through You we will receive a share in Your Father's inheritance as Your Word bears fruit in our lives and yields a rich harvest of justice and peace for all.

11 Love and faithfulness have met;
righteousness and peace have embraced.
12 Faithfulness will reach up from the earth
while justice bends down from heaven.
13 The Lord will give what is good,
 and our land will yield its fruit.

Matthew 14:22-36

My Beloved, You were exhausted.  It had been a long day for You were awake at dawn so You could spend time alone with Your Father.  But the people would not leave You alone, they sought You out disturbing Your need for solitude but You were not annoyed instead, seeing how much they needed what You had to give You took compassion on them and taught them about how they should live their lives in a way that would be pleasing to God and You healed them of all their sicknesses in heart, mind, soul, body and spirit.  When the day was coming to a close You fed the 5000 and more and after dispersing the crowd and sending the disciples away in a boat, You once again sought to be alone with Your Father so You could rest quietly in His love and be renewed and refreshed in Him.

At night the boat with the disciples was far from shore and a terrible storm arose. The little boat was rocked by the ferocious elements and at daybreak You came to them walking on the water.  Terrified that You were a ghost they screamed in fear but You calmed them, "Courage! It is I.  Do not be afraid."   Peter emboldened at the sound of Your voice wanted to walk on the water as well and You invited him to come to You.  As long as his eyes were locked in Your own he was fine and but moment he became aware of the elements around him, fear gripped him once more and he began to sink and You took hold of his hand  when he cried out to You to save him.  You reprimanded him gently for doubting and for having such little faith despite Your physical presence with him.

You got into the boat with Peter and immediately the storm died down.  With You in the bark of Peter, Your One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church we will weather any storm an You will bring us safely to shore and into the harbor of God's Kingdom.

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