Sunday, July 6, 2014

Zechariah 9:9-10, Romans 8:9, 11-13, Psalm 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14, Matthew 11:25-30


Zechariah 9:9-10, Romans 8:9, 11-13, Psalm 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14, 
Matthew 11:25-30

Zechariah 9:9-10

Thank You my Beloved for Your promise of peace.  You have.   conquered the world with obedience and humility to the Father's will.  You are the First Born of the Father, Heir to the Kingdom, the Eternal Word of God.  Yet, in perfect submission, You left Your glory behind.  Clothed in human flesh You took upon Yourself the human condition experiencing every weakness we experience.  Every temptation.  You who were God exposed Yourself to the elements of the weather.  You became poor in order to make us rich. You suffered deprivation and hardship so when we came to You with our miseries You would understand.

You who are God became a sign of contradiction to break the backs of the haughty and to show the world another way, a better way, a divine way back to the Father.  Through obedience and humility prompted by love first and above all for God and then for neighbor You have shown us the way to peace.  your dominion and rule is everlasting.

Romans 8:9, 11-13

My Beloved, through Baptism we died to the flesh and we rose in the Spirit.  We no longer live according to the carnal dictates of the flesh but prompted by the Holy Spirit who now dwells in us and makes our body His dwelling place.  We are prompted, guided, directed and taught by the Spirit of Life, Truth, Wisdom, Beauty and Grace.

We now have Your promise that the same Spirit that raised You from the death will raise us too when You come again glory to claim Your people as Your own.  keeping this promise before us always let us live as children of the Light putting to death all that is not worthy of children of God.

Psalm 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14

 Verse 14
The Lord lifts up those who are falling and raises those who are beaten down.

My Beloved, You have done everything for us, all we need to do is accept it.  Often we are too weak to do even that so You promise even then that if we look to You for help, You will lift us up.  You will help us to overcome sin.  You will raise us when we are overwhelmed by the knowledge that even though we will it we cannot  put one foot before the other without Your help and this is why gracious, merciful, glorious and compassionate God we will sing Your praises and bless Your Name as long as we have breath in our body.  We will testify to Your goodness to us and we will tell of all You have done to save us.  Thank You for Your promises that are everlasting and are passed on from one generation to the next.

Matthew 11:25-30

My Beloved, it was the Father's will to reveal His live for us by; seeing You into the world.  We deserved condemnation and death after the fall yet, because the Father is love, He did not abandon us but desired to draw us back to Himself through You.

There is one condition though - we can and will be saved but only through You.  You are the Way back to the Father.  Those who reject You reject the Father.  Those who embrace You, accept all that You taught and are guided by Your teaching will be loved by the Father.  It is a package deal.  If we want to know the Father, we must first know the Son for it is You who will reveal the Father to those who follow You.  Your invitation is love.  you do not ask us to be worthy before we come to You but ask us to come just as we are.  Carrying with us all the burdens, shortcomings, difficulties, sorrows and heartaches that are part of the human condition.  you will yoke Yourself to us with the hoke of love and we will that life with You is beautiful and sorrow and suffering sweet when we share the cup with You.

Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

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