Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, 15 & 17, Matthew 13:1-9


Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, 15 & 17, Matthew 13:1-9

Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10

Every baptized Christian has received a mission from You my Beloved.  Each is called, each is appointed prophet, priest and king and given authority in Your Name to go out into the world and bear witness to You and to establish God's Kingdom among us.  We are all equipped with every gift in the heavenly places and we are prompted, led, taught and influenced by the Holy Spirit indwelling in us.  

You will put words in our mouth, You assure us that You will walk with us and that fear has no place in our relationship with You for perfect love casts out fear.  Day after day, morning after morning, You touch my lips and You anoint me. You come to me and You rest in my heart when I receive You in Holy Communion.  Eternal Word of the Father, my Beloved, my Love, my adored Friend, having You I have all things.

Psalm 71:1-6, 15 & 17

My Love, my Life, I have recourse to none but You.  Help me! In my weakness be my strength, in times of fear grant me courage, when I mourn comfort me, when I pray answer me.  Grant me a foothold on Your mountain the place where You dwell.  Hold my hand less my foot slips and I fall into the pit.

I have no strength of my own my Beloved.  Without You I am lost. I am unable to put one foot before the other. You knew me even before I was formed in secret in my mother's womb.  You have been with me always and I have Your assurance that You will remain with me until I take my last breath on earth and my first breath in heaven.

I love You! Help me to speak of You always.

Matthew 13:1-9

My Beloved, You are the Eternal Word and You have spoken.  You now issue the challenge, "If you have ears, then hear!" 

If I claim to be a disciple and I am ignorant of You and Your Word then I am like the seed that fell either by the wayside and was eaten by the birds, or among the thistles and was choked or among rocks that sprouted quickly but withered away just as quickly because of a lack of perseverance, a lack of will, a lack of determination.  

To be a disciple is a challenge I receive each day, how will I meet this challenge? Am I excited to be a follower, a disciple, a member of Your Body the Church or am I indifferent, careless, lazy? I only have this day, this moment, this life - help me Lord to make it count so some day when this life is over, You will call me home to spend eternity in the bosom of Divine Love.

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