Sunday, July 13, 2014

Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 8:18-23, Psalm 65:10-14, Matthew 13:1-23


Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 8:18-23, Psalm 65:10-14, Matthew 13:1-23

Isaiah 55:10-11

My Beloved, You are the Eternal Word that issued forth from the mouth of God.  He spoke one Word and all that is came into being.  He sent His  Word into the world who became incarnate of the Virgin Mother and became Man.  You was sent to fulfill the promise made by God at the dawn of Creation when our first parents sinned.

The Eternal Word of God draws all those who believe in Him to the Father, the Holy Spirit dwells in them and unites all in a perfect union of love between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  This was the Father;s purpose which is perfectly accomplished in You His Son, the Word made flesh who dwelt among us and became the means by which we are all saved.  Alleluia!

Romans 8:18-23

My Beloved, there must be suffering before we taste glory and freedom as children of God.  We still suffer the effects of the sin committed by our first parents and even nature shares in our suffering as we live each day and battle temptation, sickness and fear in this valley of tears. 

We do receive a foretaste of what is to come when our  our mortal bodies will be laid to rest and our spirit returns to God. We have the Holy Spirit in us who makes it possible to have glimpses of the divine and most especially we partake of heavenly joy when we receive You our adored Lord and God in the Holy Eucharist.

Psalm 65:10-14

My Beloved, God plays a proactive role in all the affairs of our human existence.  He ensures that we lack nothing.  Only after He created the world did He create man after ensuring that man would have all he needed.  

Our Father sends the rain, He waters the land, He ensures that the seeds grow, He sends the sun to ripen the crops so there is a good yield and a plentiful harvest. 

Thank You Father for caring for our body and soul.

Matthew 13:1-23

"Jesus left the house and sat down by the lakeside. As many people gathered around him, he got in a boat."

The first two verses tell us that You did not stay isolated with the chosen few but made Yourself available to all who desired to see and hear You.  The crowd stood on the shore while You got into the boat and taught them. You spoke in parables, using examples from daily life so they could relate to what You said.

You are Sower, Your Word is the Seed and we our hearts are the soil that receive it.  Having heard You and believing in You, we too must become sowers scattering the seeds of Your Word wherever we go.  We are called to be fruitful and to encourage others to bear fruit as well.

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