Monday, July 7, 2014

Hosea 2:14-16, 19-21, Psalm 145:2-9, Matthew 9:18-26


Hosea 2:14-16, 19-21, Psalm 145:2-9, Matthew 9:18-26

Hosea 2:14-16, 19-21

My Beloved, how often we run after the foolish pastimes the world offers.  We spend our lives on things that do not satisfy.  There is a craving, a hunger, a thirst, a longing and a yearning and the more we seek frivolities as the remedy to our needs the great our disappointment.  We can spend our whole life chasing the world and all that is in it but the deepest longings of the spirit grow steadily.  

But You are a jealous Lover. Our restless hearts were made for You alone.  You are the God of Love who created us in love and know better what we foolishly do not comprehend that we will only be happy when we yield to Your love.

This is why You lead us through the desert and take away all consolation so in the end we finally lift up our eyes to You and know that You alone can give us all we need.  

I too want to be espoused to You forever  in justice and truth.  I want to be united to You in love and tenderness.  Thank You for this spousal union every time I receive You in Holy Communion.

Psalm 145:2-9

 My Beloved, our joy springs from our praises to You acknowledging all that You are.  To sing Your praises is to understand that You are God who is the source and fulfillment of all that is good, true and beautiful.  The more I praise You the higher does my soul soar to the highest heavens for You dwell in the praises of Your people. You alone are worthy of all our love, adoration, thanksgiving, worship and praise.  We have experienced it and we hand on what we have learned t our children so they too can know the source of their joy.

The Church recalls Your mighty deeds and Your greatness in her feasts, her liturgies and her celebrations as she continues to keep alive all that God has accomplished for us through.  We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood a holy nation, God's special possession whom He has called out of darkness into His own marvellous light.

Thank You for Your goodness and love that excludes no one.

Matthew 9:18-26

 My Beloved, God of life and love You are stern with those who deliberately refuse to believe
 but those whose hearts are open will witness miracles.  Rewarding the faith of the official, You took the dead girl by the hand and she stood up.  The woman who was bleeding for 12 years only touched the fringe of Your garment and she was healed in an instant.

To all who come to You with expectant faith You say, "Courage, your faith has saved you."

 THE POWER OF HIS TOUCH – Luke 8:43-48

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