Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ezekiel 37:12-14, Psalm 130:1-8, Romans 8:8-11, John 11:1-45


Ezekiel 37:12-14, Psalm 130:1-8, Romans 8:8-11, John 11:1-45

Ezekiel 37:12-14

My Beloved, You are a God of the living.  You have the power to give life where there was none.  You pour Your Spirit into us and make a life of grace possible through the Sacraments.  You have prepared an inheritance of us and we will share in Your glory for You are our God.

Psalm 130:1-8

 Out of the depths of my misery, sorrow and anxiety I called out to You O Lord my God.  You heard and You answered me.  You forgive all my sins.  You took pity on me and saved me.  I offer You a heart full of gratitude and love for all You have done for me.  I thank You for the grace of desiring You in Holy Communion and for the great joy of receiving You in m y heart and being enfolded in the intimacy of Your love.

Thank You Lord for You are the answer to all my prayers.

Romans 8:8-11

The flesh can offer nothing, it is the spirit animated by Your Spirit that gives life.  The flesh brings corruption, the Spirit restores, renews and reinvigorates.  You have poured Your Spirit into us and through this power we are able to call God Abba, Father and proclaim that You are Lord to the glory of God.  The same Spirit that raised You from the vise of death thrust destroying its power and our fear of it forever, through the power of this same Spirit we too will be called from death to live gloriously in You forever.

John 11:1-45

My Beloved, Your friend Lazarus was sick, his sisters sent word to You to come and visit him saying, "He whom You love is ill".  You  deliberately delay Your journey to Bethany for two days and in the meantime Lazarus dies and is buried.  When Martha hears of Your arrival four days after her brother's burial she hurries to meet You and when she expresses her sorrow that You arrived too late to heal her brother You make known to her that You have power over life and death for the power of God is in You.

When You restored Lazarus to life and called him forth from the tomb many who witnessed this great sign believed, however, there were others who stubbornly chose to reject You.  To believe would mean that they acknowledge You as the Messiah, it would mean a conversion of heart and they would rather close their minds and hearts than be saved.

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