Thursday, August 30, 2012

1 Corinthians 1:1-9, Psalm 145:2-7, Matthew 24:42-51


My Beloved, these words written by St. Paul give me great hope, joy and encouragement.  You and I both know, You better than I, how truly weak I am and how readily I fall into the traps and snares set for me by my own inclinations towards pride and self-righteousness.  I may fool myself my Beloved but I cannot fool You.  Despite this You continue to love me faithfully.  Your love does not vacillate like  mine.  Because I am one with You, grafted on to You and a member of the Church which is Your Body, I can lay claim to every grace and blessing that flows from You to Your Church.  Keep me under the shelter of Your wing my Lord for I need Your constant help and protection.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17, Psalm 96:10-13, Matthew 23:23-26


25 Woe to you, teachers of the Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You fill the plate and the cup with theft and violence, and then pronounce a blessing over them. 26 Blind Pharisee! Purify the inside first, then the outside too will be purified. Mt.23:25-26

My Beloved, I know that the Father has created us in love and all our days must be lived in response to that perfect love which He has shown us.  He saved us in You and He perfects us in His Spirit in order that we might have a share in Your glory.  Stay with me Lord I need You simply because I am so weak and without Your strength, I will never reach the goal You desire for me.

My Beloved, we always think and speak of You as good, kind, loving, gentle, compassionate and tender hearted and yes all this is true.  You have a great love for those who are weak, easily to prone to sin but quick to repent and are truly contrite of heart.  But You will show no mercy to hypocrites who pretend to be good and seek to deceive.  You did not mince words when it came to stripping them of their blindness and revealing to them what they truly were – self serving men who used the law as a whip to wield power.  For this reason, they hated You with a malevolent and vicious hatred. Lord, help me not be a coward but to stand up with courage for what I know to be right, good and true.

Monday, August 27, 2012

2 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 11-12, Psalm 96:1-5, Matthew 23:13-22


My Beloved, grace and peace are mine in the power of the Holy Spirit because I belong to the Father and to You His Son.  

Verses 11-12 Knowing this, we pray continually that our God will make you worthy of his call, and by his power fulfil all your desires for goodness and complete all that you have been doing through faith; because in this way the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in you and you in him, by the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  are my prayer too for myself my Lord – make me worthy to do the work You have called me to do.  May I do my part in all sincerity to continually equip myself with the tools I need to help me.  Anoint my mind and my understanding.  Strengthen my will and increase my desire to love You each day with a love that consumes me in its intensity and passion.

Verse 15
15 You travel by sea and land to win a single convert, yet once he is converted, you turn him twice as fit for hell as yourselves.

Beloved, so many of us are guilty of winning converts to the Kingdom and we give them such a terrible example that they are quite unfit and unworthy to enter it.  Our reasons and our motives for converting them are wrong and their conversion is a sham and mockery of what true conversion really is.  Be merciful my Lord to those who are guilty of bringing souls to be baptized into Your Body and who have done little or nothing to fit those souls to attain the glory for which they were created.

May Your love rule my life and out my my own love for You may all my other loves spring.